Source on GitHub Pages with broken file links Projects. How to play Catz: Also, create a mosaic that covers all streams, backed with testcards in case a stream fails. Your Virtual Bundle of Joy. This failed again in maybe even the year before: Uploader: Vudojora Date Added: 9 November 2010 File Size: 56.63 Mb Operating Systems: Windows NT/2000/XP/2003/2003/7/8/10 MacOS 10/X Downloads: 62891 Price: Free* [ *Free Regsitration Required ] For the people that didn't grew up in the 70's or 80's with German television: After a lot of experimentation using VLC since that had some GUI to get going and a command line for further experimentationthe best recipe seemed to be RTP multicast; this could survive hiccups of the stream without VLC throwing an error or pausenkztzen playback. This failed again in maybe even the year before: Your Computer Petz was r...